Он тоже понял, что именно благородное поступок Мехмета побудил его сделать то же самое. Сейчас парень стоял со слезами на глазах, держа в руках кроссовки, которые так многое означали для него и которые он теперь будет носить в память о прекрасном человеке, который заставил его поверить в доброту и за��оту друг о друге. Перед началом Рамадана, семья отправилась на рынок. На магазине они увидели мальчика, который продаёт кулинарные изделия. Мальчику не хватало отца, и его мать была на работе. ��лен семьи обратил внимание на скромной мальчика и увидел печаль в его глазах. Владелец магазина, заметив это, решил подарить мальчику новую пару кроссовок. Этот человек был богатым и ��едрым, и он хотел дать своему сыну урок доброты и состра��ания. Он понимал, что деньги не всегда делают людей счастливыми, и решил дать мальчику то, что будет иметь для него большую ценность - возможность быть близок с людьми. И этот благородный мальчик также решил подарить свои кроссовки обездоленному ребенку. После похода на рынок, семья возвратилась домой, чтобы насладиться вместе праздником Рамадана. Но их ра��ость была омрачена тра��едией, когда раздался выстрел, положивший конец спокойной жизни человека, который всегда был готов помочь другим. В день похорон Мехмета, главного полицейского, весь город собрался, чтобы проводить его в последний путь. Среди толпы очень уважаемых людей был и тот самый мальчик, которому Мехмет подарил кроссовки. Он хотел показать своё уважение и признательность этому человеку, который заставил его поверить в добро и за��оту о ближних. Сегодня этот мальчик стоял со слезами на глазах, держа в руках эти кроссовки, которые так многое значили для него. Он понял, что благородный поступок Мехмета вдохновил его на то же самое. Теперь эти кроссовки будут всегда напоминать ему о прекрасном человеке, который заставил его поверить в доброту и за��оту друг о друге. #!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Job scheduler: # # A simplified version of a job scheduler used in our company. Our company has a distributed web crawling system which can crawl the entire Internet within a week. The system consists of several servers and each server can handle one or multiple crawlers simultaneously. Since the number of crawl requests is usually larger than the capacity of the system, the job scheduler plays an important role in managing crawls on different servers. # # # **Input Format** # # The input should be in the following format: # - The input starts with two integer numbers, N and M, where N is the number of servers and M is the number of crawl requests. # - The next line contains N numbers, the capacity of each server. Note that the ith number is the capacity of the ith server. # - The following M lines represent the server preference of the M crawl requests. Each line starts with an integer number, k, which is the number of preferred servers for this request. Then follows k numbers, which are the indices of these preferred servers. # # **Output Format** # # The output should be a single number which represents the maximum number of crawl requests that can be handled by our system. # In[2]: # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT N, M = [int(x) for x in input().split()] servers = [int(x) for x in input().split()] requests = [] for _ in range(M): requests.append([int(x) for x in input().split()][1:]) sorted_servers = sorted(servers, reverse=True) count = 0 assigned_servers = set() for request in sorted(requests, key=len, reverse=True): for server in request: if servers[server-1] in sorted_servers and server not in assigned_servers: count += 1 assigned_servers.add(server) break print(count) 6036test - 2019/6/4399 6036 isn't a recognized test by the College Board or other testing organizations. It's possible that this is a local or school-specific test. Without more information, it's not possible to accurately describe the test or its format.16 Sixteen.Constellation A constellation is a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern or shape in the night sky. They have been used since ancient times as a way to navigate and tell stories about the heavens. There are 88 officially recognized constellations, each with their own unique name and history. Some well-known constellations include Orion, the Big Dipper, and the Southern Cross. While many constellations are named after mythological figures, others are named after animals, objects, or scientific instruments. Today, constellations are still used by astronomers to locate and study celestial objects, and they continue to inspire wonder and imagination in stargazers around the world.1. Treadmills 2. Ellipticals 3. Stationary bikes 4. Rowing machines 5. Stair steppers 6. Exercise bikes 7. Treadclimbers 8. Incline trainers 9. Cable machines 10. Weightlifting equipment (dumbbells, barbells, weight benches)Tt "TT" stands for many different things depending on the context: 1. The name of a popular South Korean girl group formed by JYP Entertainment in 2015. 2. The abbreviation for "Tetanus Toxoid," a vaccine used to prevent tetanus infection. 3. "Through Ticket," a term used in transportation to refer to a ticket that covers multiple legs of a journey. 4. "Team Talk," a term used in sports to refer to a team meeting or discussion. 5. "Trainer Tips," a popular YouTube channel that provides tips and strategies for the mobile game Pokémon GO. 6. "Technology Transfer," the process of transferring technology from one entity to another. 7. An emoticon of a person crying, commonly used in online communication to express sadness or disappointment.h1. The Effects of Climate Change on Our PlanetExtending Extending means growing or progressing beyond a certain point or limit. It can also refer to increasing the duration or length of something. In the context of technology, extending often refers to adding new features or capabilities to an existing system or program. This can be done through updates, plugins, or integrations with other services. In a more general sense, extending can also mean expanding or broadening one's understanding or knowledge of a subject or concept. It can also refer to reaching out or connecting with others to build relationships or create a larger network. Overall, extending implies growth and expansion beyond what currently exists. homographyHomography is a mathematical transformation that maps points in one image onto corresponding points in another image. It is commonly used in computer vision and image processing to correct for distortion, align images, and extract geometric information. A homography is a 3x3 matrix that describes the relationship between two sets of points in an image. It can be calculated using a set of corresponding points in both images, typically identified using feature matching techniques. Once the homography matrix is calculated, it can be applied to one image to align or warp it onto the other image. This is especially useful in applications such as panorama stitching, where multiple images are combined to create a larger, seamless image. Homographies can also be used for augmented reality, 3D reconstruction, and image registration. Zend Framework The Zend Framework is an open source, object-oriented web application framework written in PHP. It is designed to help developers build complex, secure, and modern web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides a set of reusable components that can be used to create web applications. The framework includes features such as database access, session management, authentication and authorization, and caching. It also supports various technologies and protocols such as HTTP, JSON, SOAP, and REST. The Zend Framework also has a strong community and extensive documentation, making it a popular choice for building web applications.§ Mr. Wigley To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list the amount of grant made by his Department to local authorities and others for(a) road safety, (b) fire safety, (c) services for the elderly, (d) social services to families and children, (e) environmental protection and improvement and (f) education and training in each of the past five years at (i) 1994–95 prices, (ii) actual prices and (iii) as proportion of annual local authority expenditure. [1619] I have arranged for the information to be produced by the Welsh Office library. I will write to the hon. Gentleman as soon as it becomes available. Spelling Bee A spelling bee is a competition in which participants, usually students, are asked to spell words aloud, with the winner being the person who spells the most words correctly. Spelling bees can be held at the school, local, regional, or national level, and are a popular educational activity that promotes vocabulary, spelling, and memorization skills. The most well-known spelling bee in the United States is the Scripps National Spelling Bee, which has been held annually since 1925. Spelling bees have also gained popularity in other countries, such as Canada, India, and Australia.2017 2017 was a year of significant events and changes in various parts of the world. Here are some of the major events that took place in 2017: 1. Inauguration of Donald Trump: On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States after winning the presidential election against Hillary Clinton. 2. Women's March: On January 21, millions of people across the world participated in the Women's March, protesting against President Trump's policies and advocating for women's rights. 3. Brexit officially begins: On March 29, 2017, the UK officially triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, starting the process of leaving the European Union. 4. Terrorist attacks in Europe: Europe experienced several terrorist attacks in 2017, including a van attack on London Bridge, a bombing at a pop concert in Manchester, and vehicle attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, Spain. 5. French Presidential Election: In May, Emmanuel Macron won the French presidential election, defeating far-right candidate Marine Le Pen. 6. North Korea's nuclear tests: In September, North Korea conducted its sixth and largest nuclear test, causing increased tensions with the United States and other countries. 7. The #MeToo movement: In October, the #MeToo hashtag went viral on social media, with women sharing their experiences of sexual harassment and assault, leading to a worldwide conversation and increased awareness about the issue. 8. Mass shootings in the US: The US saw several mass shootings in 2017, including the Las Vegas shooting in October, which was the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. 9. Catalonia independence crisis: In October, the Spanish region of Catalonia declared independence, leading to a political crisis between Catalonia and the Spanish government. 10. Hurricane season: The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season was one of the most destructive on record, with hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria causing widespread damage and devastation in the Caribbean and the US. Overall, 2017 was a year marked by political changes, social movements, and natural disasters, shaping the world we live in today.Manufacturer A manufacturer is a company or organization that produces goods or products for sale. Manufacturers may specialize in Смотрите турецкий сериал Ночная сказка онлайн на русском языке в отличном качестве на ТуркПлей.ТВ абсолютно бесплатно! 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